The Challenge

My friends Jeremiah and Becca live in China. They came to me with a pretty specific starting point for their personal logo.

The Solution

The Chinese takeout box might seem too obvious at first, but in this case it expresses J and B’s purpose and passion perfectly – and it’s a great conversation starter.


I created a few options in a minimal line art style, including the box, their names and their slogan. Because the logo will be used in a variety of situations, it was important to design something that would transition easily from large to small and from horizontal to vertical without losing the overall brand aesthetic.


Red plays an important part in the color palette – I’ve always had a love for Chinese calligraphy (mostly the feel of the ink and brush) and wax stamps (most of which, I learned from research, were red) and wanted to express that in the design. Next I looked at colors and how the logo would be used on a darker backgrounds.

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